278, Job Folder, Manilla Card Stock
Keep detailed information about all your jobs at your fingertips! Preprinted folders help track job progress, costs, and customer correspondence.
- • Heavy-Duty manila card stock.
- • Product construction: Folders
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Looking for a sturdy and thick folder to hold your paperwork, then the Manila stock job folders is the ideal choice for you.
Made from high quality Manila paper, these folders are designed to store important papers related to the said project. Details of the project along with the job cost summary are printed on the face of the folders which make referencing very simple and filing even more easily.
Write down the name of the job and the job number on the folder and gain all the important information regarding the job with just a glance at the folder face.

278, Job Folder, Manilla Card Stock
Keep detailed information about all your jobs at your fingertips! Preprinted folders help track job progress, costs, and customer correspondence.
- • Heavy-Duty manila card stock.
- • Product construction: Folders
The folder are bound on both sides and the bottom. The top is open. Thank you.
Can I get these on legal size? 23/06/2021We only offer the sizes on the wesbite. Thank you
How much for 5,000 and for 10,000? 10/11/2016 For special pricing please email cs@printez.com with the item number and quantity you wish to order can these be customized 28/10/2016This item cannot be customized. For more information about our custom items, please contact your custom dpt. at custom@printez.com
Are these blank on the back? 19/08/2016Yes, the only writing on this folder is as shown in the image.