279, Job Envelope
Keep track of all your jobs! Secure customer papers in generous manila-grade envelopes. Use preprinted headings on front to record project details and costs.
- • Opens at top.
- • Velcro Closure.
- • Product construction: Envelope/Form Combinations
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Here are some of the best Manilla job folders that you can find. Not only are these folders ideal to store papers but they come in handy for much more.
The folders open at the top which makes it easy to access the papers inside while also ensuring the safety of the papers inside. The velcro closure is another huge incentive and helps to add security to these folders.
The face of the folder can be used to list out a lot of information about the project which comes in handy when referencing. The job cost summary has also been detailed here and you can update the relevant information as and when required.

279, Job Envelope
Keep track of all your jobs! Secure customer papers in generous manila-grade envelopes. Use preprinted headings on front to record project details and costs.
- • Opens at top.
- • Velcro Closure.
- • Product construction: Envelope/Form Combinations